New and Noteworthy Books Spring/Summer 2024
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between May - August 2024! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
Read2024 Regent Alumni and Community Publications
We like to get the word out about new books released by Regent College professors and alumni! If you graduated from Regent and have a newly published book please let us know and we'll add it to our 2024 list!
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Winter 2024
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between January - April 2024! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadRegent Bookstore Drive
The Regent College Bookstore will be running a food drive for a second year!
ReadAnnouncing New Hours
The Regent College Bookstore will have new hours beginning on October 1, 2023.
ReadTimothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation
Collin Hansen's biography of Timothy Keller traces the bookish pastor's spiritual and intellectual influences. This book is a biography and bibliography all in one!
ReadBulwarks of Unbelief: Atheism and Divine Absence in a Secular Age
A small cottage industry has emerged orbiting around Charles Taylor’s magnum opus A Secular Age. These books praise A Secular Age for its enormous breadth and perceptive insights, only to follow this up with “But…” Joseph Minich’s book is yet another to add to that genre. Bulwarks of Unbelief: Atheism and Divine Absence in a Secular Age is a dense, at times convoluted book that seeks to offer another viewpoint/perspective into how modern Western culture lost belief in God.
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Fall 2023
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between September - December 2023! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Spring 2023
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between February - May 2023! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadThe Pastor’s Complete Memorial Guidebook
A complete guide for pastors on conducting memorial services
ReadEvangelical Anxiety: A Memoir
Marsh, an acclaimed scholar who is professor of religious studies at the University of Virginia and director of the Project on Lived Theology vulnerably shares about his mental health breakdown and journey through psychotherapy as an evangelical who grew up in a Southern conservative evangelical world that looked upon psychology with deep suspicion and scorn.
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Fall 2022
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between September - December 2022! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadTradition and Apocalypse: An Essay on the Future of Christian Belief
Tradition has been a formidable, venerable concept for many Christians with many believers holding to the “Vincentian canon” of St. Vincent of Lérins of the fourth century that holds to “what has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.” Yet Hart interrogates this very formulation.
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Spring/Summer 2022
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between May - August 2022! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadThose Blessed Leaders: The Relevance of the Beatitudes to the Way We Lead
Have you ever considered how the Beatitudes can inform your leadership? Peter Shaw's new book does exactly that!
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Early 2022
Here are some of the upcoming books we are most looking forward to set to be released between January and April 2022! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadWhat About the Baby?: Some Thoughts on the Art of Fiction
McDermott marvels at the ways in which good fiction and individual lines, characters, or scenes can “come back to me - unbidden sometimes,” sometimes long after we have first read them.
ReadWonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body
Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body is an accessible, concise book that offers a positive vision of the Christian body. For readers wanting a straightforward, Scripture-saturated introduction to how to think and act and worship with our bodies, John W. Kleinig’s book will be a helpful read.
ReadBill on Books: September 2021
Our dear bookstore manager, Bill Reimer, has took the time to once again share his favorite recent reads.
ReadNew and Noteworthy Summer and Fall 2021
We are excited to feature books released in Summer 2021 and forthcoming in Fall 2021! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
ReadThe Politics of the Cross: A Christian Alternative to Partisanship
Williams writes both professionally and confessionally as a believer; he continues to offer astute analysis and rigorous nuance as he delves into American history to explain the developments that led to the present, but he also draws readers’ attentions to biblical injunctions about how we should operate in today’s increasingly complex world.
ReadNew and Noteworthy Books Summer 2021
We are excited to feature a few of the books we received in Summer 2021! If you are interested in any of these or would like to know more, please give us a call (604-228-1820) or send us an email ([email protected]) to inquire about reserving a copy or shipping.
Did you know Eugene Peterson wrote a book in which he reviews a few of his favorite books?
ReadLet These Stones Live: A Guidebook to the Spiritual History of Christianity
This book is a unique attempt to integrate the topography of the Holy Land not just with its archaeological sites and ancient route ways, but with its geology.
ReadEngland Before and After Wesley: The Evangelical Revival and Social Reform
Amid the chaos and confusion of today’s polarized political climate, in which ideological opponents routinely caricature one another and history is often read in a manner devoid of all nuance, this republication of J. Wesley Bready’s classic work comes as a welcome development. Focusing primarily on the towering figure of John Wesley and his impact on evangelical revival and social reform in 18th century England, Bready demonstrates the inextricable link between living Christian faith and the humanizing and ameliorative social transformations of the period.
ReadEucharistic Participation: The Reconfiguration of Time and Space
Hans Boersma, Saint Benedict Servants of Christ Chair in Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House Theological Seminary and Research Professor of Theology at Regent College provides a concise and accessible primer on the theology of eucharistic participation. He is especially concerned with re- addressing the two issues of the Lord’s Supper as sacrifice and as real presence, which were central to the debates of the Protestant Reformation.
ReadBill on Books: May 2021
Our dear manager, Bill Reimer, shares a few of his recent reads! Come check!
ReadBooks for Stirring the Soul...
I have been asked over the past months, “what are the ten most important books you have read – beyond the Bible – that have kept your soul going over the past fifty years of discipleship and ministry?”
ReadOn the Road with Saint Augustine
Not only engaging, but also well-written, and theologically faithful to the best of the Christian tradition, it is also a really important book to appear in our culture at this point in time. Augustine, Smith reminds us, is Christianity’s primary teacher on the quest for self-identity.
Read"The Lord's Prayer" and "The Ten Commandments"
The Lexham Press Christian Essentials Series are mercifully short (about 100 pages), and very readable. Below are my brief reflections on the two most recently published books in the series, "The Lord’s Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father" by Wesley Hill, and "The Ten Commandments, A Guide to the Perfect Law of Liberty" by Peter Leithart.
ReadWearing Well: Exploring the Biblical imagery of Clothing
The Sermon on the Mount in Our Secular Age
Douglas Webster, professor of theology and Christian preaching at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, offers a pastoral and theological application of the Sermon on the Mount, contextualized, as the title suggests, for our secular age.
ReadThe Preacher's Wife
From the early days of Christianity to the present, women have been instrumental in the life of the Church. St. Paul writes to his protege Timothy “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you” (2 Tim. 1:5); Timothy’s faith was dependent upon his female family members instructing him in the ways of Jesus. From Timothy’s time to our present, women have served faithfully as mentors, "prayer warriors," missionaries, evangelists, and inspiring performers, even as they have had to contend with patriarchs who seek to limit and even silence women from speaking and teaching authoritatively.
ReadOn Books and their Networks
Check out the latest installment of Bill's "Three Inch Reviews"
ReadThe Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities
James K. A. Smith
Just us on Nov 1 and 2 for a book launch with James K. A. Smith and his latest work, "On the Road with Saint Augustine."
ReadJ. I. Packer
Bill asked Dr. Packer for his top five book recommendations and here is what he had to offer