The Impact of Potential Tariffs

The Impact of Potential Tariffs

Let the Canadian government know you oppose the imposition of tariffs on imported books.

We at the Regent College Bookstore are monitoring the ongoing trade war between Canada and the United States.

Unfortunately, there are concerns that retaliatory tariffs may be put on books imported from the USA by the Canadian government. If the Canadian government imposes tariffs on imported books, the cost of many new books will rise by 25%.

The reality is that although we do source books from Canadian vendors, the vast majority of books that we bring in do come from south of the border as this is where our vendors' distribution centres are located. Along with other bookstores across Canada, we ask that if you want to support small business and make the pleasure of reading more affordable for all, that you let the government know that you oppose the imposition of 25% tariffs on imported books and that you want books to be exempt from tariffs. Please consider filling out this survey and let your voice be heard! The form will ask you for the eight-digit codes for the tariffs you’re disputing: 4901.99.00 this is the tariff number for books that aren’t pamphlets or encyclopedias).

We are grateful for the Regent community, customers, and friends of the bookstore who buy books from us and who also donate their used books to us. In recent years, used books have become a significant part of our business and they will continue to be so. Thank you for your ongoing support!
