Hot off the Press
Wearing Well: Exploring the Biblical imagery of Clothing
(Regent College Publishing)

Upon reading it, we were struck both by how prevalent is the use of clothing in the narrative of Scripture—as symbol, metaphor, and pedagogical analogy, to name only a few instances—and by how little we tend to reflect upon it, especially with regard to its bearing on our everyday Christian discipleship.
Dr. Frances Shaw has been a friend of Regent College for many years. She and her husband, long-time visiting professor of Marketplace and Applied Theology, Dr. Peter Shaw, have lovingly invested in the Regent community from its earliest years. We are delighted to introduce her new book, which explores the multifaceted significance of clothing in the Biblical text. Upon reading it, we were struck both by how prevalent is the use of clothing in the narrative of Scripture—as symbol, metaphor, and pedagogical analogy, to name only a few instances—and by how little we tend to reflect upon it, especially with regard to its bearing on our everyday Christian discipleship. Dr. Shaw takes the reader on a journey through the Biblical imagery of clothing, complete with helpful discussion questions at the end of each chapter, that may make one ask, “How have I not already considered these things?” After completing Wearing Well, we will never again view the apostle’s exhortation to “put on Christ”, or the prophecy that “the earth will wear out like a garment…” in the same way we once did. Dr. Shaw has shed light on topic that, for many, will seem to have been “hidden in plain sight”.
Wearing Well: Exploring the Biblical Imagery of Clothing retails for $12.99 CAD ($9.99 US) and is currently available for purchase in the following ways:
- Through Amazon CA or Amazon US (this is a rare case in which a which your Amazon purchase actually supports the ongoing work of our store via our Regent Publishing arm).
- Through the Regent College Bookstore
Here is a link to a review of Wearing Well in the Church Times:
April 27, 2020